March 4, 2022 - Colossians 1:15
“Christ is the visible image of the invisible God. He existed before anything was created and is supreme over all creation.” Colossians 1:15 NLT
Jesus, I love how this verse describes you. You are the visible image of the invisible God. You came to earth and walked among us. You did life with us humans, as a human. You took our far off and invisible picture of God and put it right in front of us so we could see it. Even those a couple thousand years later, who didn’t see it with our eyes, can read about you. We can hear about how you walked the earth and dealt with the same type problems we deal with. You showed us your character. You showed us how much you love us. You demonstrated how to live in all the fruits of the Spirit. You showed us it is possible to overcome temptation and live a sin-free life. You showed us the heart of God. You have so much love for us. Thank you for coming to make yourself real to us.
It is so reassuring that we serve the God that has always existed. If you were created by something, then it is likely that you could also be destroyed by something. But that is not the case. Nothing can destroy or overcome you. You are the all-powerful God. We praise you that you reign over everything. You are supreme. We praise you for all that you created for us to enjoy and live in. We thank you that there is so much more to come and that it will be even better than everything we have experienced up to this point.
Lord, you truly are a remarkable God. We thank you for the opportunity to love and serve such a wonderful God, who loves us so dearly. Thank you for all you do to make it possible for us to come to a knowledge of you. Thank you for how you pursue us with your love. When we think about all you, the Almighty God, do so that we can see how much you love each of us it is mind-blowing. We praise you forevermore.
In Jesus name, amen.