March 26, 2023 - Isaiah 26:3-4
“You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Trust in the Lord always, for the Lord GOD is the eternal Rock.” Isaiah 26:3-4 NLT
Lord, we thank you for being our eternal rock. You can’t be moved. You are the stable foundation under us. We can put our trust in you. We can build on you and trust that when the winds come and things look so uncertain, we will come out standing.
Lord, we believe you for that. I think for a lot of us, there are a lot of unknowns before us right now. The winds of uncertainty and the unknown of the future are blowing strong. It can get easy to get lost in the worry of what is to come. Today, Lord, we ask that you help us place those things in your hands and let them go.
Deepen our trust in you. Help us learn to lean on it more and use it to silence any fear that tries to overwhelm us. Show us how to walk in your perfect peace regardless of how loud the storm around us is howling. Let peace rule in our lives even when the future seems as unknown as the vastness of the sea. When the questions outnumber the answers, let us still sit calmly in your peace because our trust is planted firmly in you.
Lord, we thank you for how trustworthy you are. We thank you for being our sure foundation. We thank you that you know the future and have it all in your hands. We thank you that it is safe for us to totally release control. We can sit back and let you drive. We can just rest in the passenger seat. Thank you, Father. You are so amazingly good to us. We are so grateful that you love us so much and care for us the way you do. You have all the details sorted out. You don’t miss a thing. You are so amazing. Today we put our complete trust in you.
In Jesus name, amen.
