March 25, 2024 - Luke 12:2-3
“The time is coming when everything that is covered up will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all. Whatever you have said in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have whispered behind closed doors will be shouted from the housetops for all to hear!” Luke 12:2-3 NLT
Lord, we humbly come before you with open hearts. We don’t want to keep anything hidden away. We can’t hide it from you anyway. Purify us. Any sins that we find ourselves constantly struggling with yet want to hide, give us the courage to share it with someone who will lovingly, yet boldly hold us accountable in that area. We want to be the one to willingly bring it to the light and not have you reveal it. Help us always choose the humble, honest, and transparent road. We thank you for your amazing forgiveness, but never let us abuse that and excuse sin because we know you will forgive it. Help us do all that we can to live a righteous life and bring our sin into the light, allowing you to wash us clean right away.
Lord, we want to live our lives in a way that when we read this verse it doesn’t bring any fear to our lives because we don’t allow sin to stay hidden. We want to pray that we would see this verse become reality with those who are not living a righteous life. Particularly those in leadership of our countries, our companies, and other places of influence. Bring to light the corruption and conspiracies that are based in pride, greed, fear, etc. Make your presence known and bring these people to repentance. If they refuse to repent, raise up leaders who are after your heart to replace them. Lord, we pray for the truth to be made known. Bring revival to our nations and let your glory fill the earth.
In Jesus name, amen.
