March 22, 2022 - Isaiah 66:2b
“These are the ones I will look on with favor: those who are humble and contrite in spirit, and who tremble at My word.” Isaiah 66:2b NIV
Lord, we praise you that you are always looking on us. That is so wonderful, but we don’t only want to be looked upon by you. We want to be looked upon with your favor. What an honor! We thank you that this verse gives us a clear picture of 3 things that will cause you to look on us with favor. Help us learn to live in these things.
We want to live humble and contrite lives before you. We want to come to you as your servants who are willing to do anything for you, as your followers who are quick to respond when you speak to us. We don’t want to question your wisdom or only respond if we feel like it. A good servant will follow their master’s orders, period. How much more should we humbly follow your orders? After all you are the God Almighty. We are walking in pride if we think we have a right to not listen and to do our own thing. We can’t possibly think that we know better than you. Help us keep humble hearts before you. Help us, even as our relationship grows closer to you and we consider you a friend, never forget who you are and how we need to posture ourselves before you.
Lord, we want to really hear your word. Teach us how to listen. I think it is when we really take it in and truly begin to understand what it means, that we start to respect it on a greater level. You deserve our respect. Open our minds to understand more of who you are. All of heaven trembles before you and one day every knee will bow before you, because of who you are. We want to live a life of reverence before you. Help us walk out a lifestyle that allows us to stand before you with a humble posture and keeping you in your rightful place as God of our lives.
In Jesus name, amen.
