March 20, 2022 - Psalms 78:4
We will not hide these truths from our children; we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord, about his power and his mighty wonders. Psalms 78:4 NLT
Lord, we praise you for all the wonderful and miraculous things that you have done for us and will do for us. We praise you for the huge things that everyone notices and for the small things that are so easily overlooked, but still so significant. You are so amazing to us. All these things help grow our faith and our trust in you. They make such a difference in how we grow in you and who we become. Thank you that you are not some distant God that we serve and pray to, but never get any response. We praise you that you are close and that you respond to us. We praise you that our relationship is a give and take relationship in both directions. How marvelous.
Lord, will you help us be better at sharing the wonderful things that you have done for us? Not only will they grow our faith, but they will show others your love and faithfulness. They can not only be stepping stones for our growth in you, but others as well. If we have children, we want to pass those stories down to the generations coming behind us. But we don’t want to limit it to just our children. Give us people that we can share these stories with. Bring to our memory just the right stories to tell at the right time to the right person. We want them to hear just exactly what they need to hear right then to grow their trust in your faithfulness.
Thank you that this is just one of the ways that you like to use us. It is so great to be used by you to tell your story. We don’t want to hide these treasures, but freely give them away to all who will listen.
In Jesus name, amen.
