March 2, 2024 - John 19:30
“[Jesus] said, “It is finished.” With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit.” John 19:30 NIV
Jesus, your statement changed everything. Three little words, yet the power they hold is unimaginable. The action behind them changed all eternity. They stated that you accomplished what you came to earth to do. You endured the cross and walked in obedience to the plans of God. You set right what Satan meant to destroy. You bridged the separation sin created. You permanently tore the veil that kept us separated from the Father and made it possible for us to have direct access to Him.
I can’t imagine the scene in heaven at that moment. The pain of watching you endure the agony of the cross and be separated from the Father. The pain of seeing you take on the sins of the whole world. All of heaven must have been mourning over all you had to endure on the journey of the cross. Yet, at the same time knowing what you just accomplished and what you were about to accomplish in the next three days, there must have been such anticipation and excitement. Humanity was being restored into a right relationship with God. God’s plans were being unfolded before them.
Lord, we praise you for all that you endured to buy our freedom and pay for our sins. We commit our lives fully to you, for you are worthy. We won’t waste or ignore what you bought for us with your life. We will live to have a relationship with you and walk a holy life before you. We will spread your light to the lost around us. We want to give you the reward for the price that you paid. We will live in the freedom that you paid for and not choose to live in bondage. Open our eyes to any bondage in our lives and show us how to let go of it. Teach us how to stand in the authority and victory your death bought for us. We praise you for the price you paid so that we have the opportunity to do so.
In Jesus name, amen.
