March 18, 2022 - Isaiah 48:10
“I have refined you, but not as silver is refined. Rather, I have refined you in the furnace of suffering.” Isaiah 48:10 NLT
Lord, it seems a little strange to ask and be grateful for the refining process, but it is such a needed process. Without it, we would miss out on so much. Things like purity, strength, and beauty. It is through the process of refining that we grow so much and start to look more like you. It is a hard and painful process, but so worth it in the end. We thank you for the suffering and hardship that you allow us to grow through so we can grow in you.
Lord, I believe that the key to the refining process is to let go of our rights, our need to control and learn to trust you. If we are willing to release the impure stuff that rises to the top it doesn’t hurt as bad and the process will go quicker. If we can let go of our need to have everything go the way we want and let you have your way, then you will guide us through the process in the best way. We don’t want to wander in the wilderness of the refining process for 40 years, like the Israelites upon leaving slavery in Egypt, because we didn’t trust you or allow you to do what you needed to do. We don’t want to get stuck in the process and turn bitter, because we refuse to forgive when it is needed. Lord, help us keep our heart tender towards you. Help us stand before you with open hands and hearts allowing you to freely do whatever work you want to do in us.
We know that the process will be so much better if we don’t fight against you throughout it. Please show us any areas in our lives that we are fighting against you. Please forgive us for this and help us surrender to your ways. We thank you that you are completely trustworthy and faithful. Lord, we tell you to come and have your way in us. Grow us. Purify us. Polish us so that we clearly reflect you.
In Jesus name, amen.