March 16, 2023 - Philippians 2:12b-13
“Work hard to show the results of your salvation, obeying God with deep reverence and fear. For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” Philippians 2:12b-13 NLT
Father, thank you so much for sending your Son to purchase our salvation. We thank you for the blood that He shed to pay the price for our sin. What a tremendous blessing. We thank you that we can now have fellowship with you. We want to honor the price that was paid for that fellowship. We want to work hard for you out of love for you. We want to work hard at pressing into you and following your ways. We want people around us to see something different in us.
Lord, teach us how to focus our lives on you. Teach us where to work hard and what to leave up to you. Turn us into who you made us to be. You know what will truly fulfill us, for you made us and you long to see us fulfilled. Mold our hearts. Change our desires and help us desire what your heart desires. Make our hearts more like your heart. Grow our reverence and fear of you. Help us learn to please you and follow you wholly because you are worthy. You are the Almighty and All-powerful God. You deserve all honor and glory. You deserve all our lives. Show us how to walk in a loving friendship with you, yet also see you for who you are and give you the reverence and fear you deserve.
Lord, grow your power in us. Grow the faith & confidence we need to walk in that power. Teach us how to conquer the smaller things so that we are ready for our Goliath moments. We thank you for the growth that is taking place within us. We thank you for how you are changing us to be more like you. We thank you for your sacrifice that makes this possible. You are an amazing God. What an honor to be one of your children.
In Jesus name, amen.
