March 13, 2024 - Luke 12:31
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and he will give you everything you need.” Luke 12:31 NLT
Lord, you are the greatest treasure we could ever possess. It can seem so normal for us humans to work 40, 60, 80 hours a week to make money and move up in the world. We give up so much to gain recognition, money, status, etc., yet all these possessions will quickly disappear at the end of our lives if not before. You and your Kingdom are what really matters. Investing in and seeking those things will earn us a reward that will follow us into eternity. Lord, we don’t want to get to heaven and realize that we got everything in our life here all wrong. Help us get our priorities in order now. Not that working hard at our job or having possessions here on earth are wrong. Not at all, but those things should be a tool that serves your purposes for our life. They shouldn’t come before us being able to seek you and your kingdom above all else. They should be used to enable us to invest in multiplying your Kingdom throughout the earth.
Lord, show us where we need to reorder our lives. Help us get things ordered in a way that you come first. Let us live our lives to store up our treasures in heaven and not on earth. Teach us how to invest in others in a way that multiplies your Kingdom. Give us an overwhelming desire to carve out focused time for you every day. Take our relationship with you deeper than we ever imagined. When we give you our “firsts” instead of our leftovers, we know that everything else will fall in order. Lord, we can trust you to give us everything that we need if we do that. You will sustain us and reward us better than anything else can. We praise you for how your Kingdom works. We commit to seeking you above all else and thank you for the blessings that are coming as we do.
In Jesus name, amen.
