March 11, 2022 - Song of Songs 8:7
“Many waters cannot quench love, nor can rivers drown it. If a man tried to buy love with all his wealth, his offer would be utterly scorned.” Song of Songs 8:7 NIV
Lord, we have seen the power of water. When many waters flow together it can reshape land. They can wash away whole towns as if they were made of toothpicks. Yet, Lord, nothing can hold back or wash away your love for us. Your love for us cannot be stopped. The roar of the rushing waters will bow before your love. Nothing but the returned love of your beloved, us, will quench your love. We want to return your love. Teach us how to love you the way you love us.
Lord, we praise you for the power that your love holds for us. It is impossible for us to wrap our minds around it. Help us learn to not try and understand it but open our hearts up to experience it. We thank you for how your love can’t be stopped, but it is unyielding in its pursuit of us. We are so grateful for this. Why is it so easy for us to run from your love or to just allow the smallest amount in? We invite you to allow its power to destroy anything that holds us back from fully receiving and returning your love. Let its power wash away all the lies that try to build up walls to hold your love at bay.
Lord, we praise you that we can’t buy your love, we can’t earn your love, and we don’t deserve your love. We could never have enough money to be able to afford your love, the purest of all loves. We could never perform well enough or work hard enough to earn your love. We will always fall short. We can never become famous enough or important enough to deserve it either. Yet, you have chosen each of us to freely give your love. We praise you for this free gift. Where would we be without it? Thank you so much. We open our hearts to your love and openly accept it.
In Jesus name, amen.
