March 10, 2022 - Song of Songs 8:6
“Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.” Song of Songs 8:6 NIV
Jesus, we praise you for your love for us. It is so amazing! We ask that you seal it over our hearts. We give you a forever place in our hearts. Brand us as one of yours forevermore. Like a tattoo that can’t be removed, but deeper than just skin level. Burn your seal into the core of who we are. Burn it into our DNA. Let your love change us from the inside out, all the way to our deepest core. Imprint your love into us in a way that leaves us forever changed. Teach us to love you back the way that you love us.
Lord, thank you that your love is as strong as death. It is forever. Nothing here on earth can stand against it and it cannot be undone or taken back. Your love is like that. It is forever and nothing we can do or not do will cause it to be taken back. We don’t deserve it, yet it is a gift that was freely given. Lord, we want to be jealous of anything that would steal us away from you and your love. We do not want to give a place in our lives to anything that would pull us away from the fullness of your love. We want your love to hold the number one place in our hearts, always.
Lord, thank you for the way your love burns hot for us. It is a blazing fire. It is mighty and consuming. Let it consume all of us and forever transform us. Teach us how to love you with a burning zeal that can’t be contained. We want to burn hot for you. We want to spread your love to the dry and thirsty world around us like a wildfire spreads across dry and thirsty land. We want the whole earth to experience your marvelous love. Let it flow out of us and consume everything we touch, everywhere we go.
In Jesus name, amen.
