June 4, 2023 - Isaiah 6:8
“Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom will I send? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me!”” Isaiah 6:8 GW
Lord, here we are. We lay our lives at your feet in total surrender. We are available for your service. When we look at all you have done for us, how do we even call this a sacrifice? It is our joy to live for you and your ways. We declare, “Here I am. Send me.”
Lord, we realize how easy it is to say those words and truly mean them, but how hard it is to actually walk it out minute by minute. Help us. Grow us. Give us wisdom in all we face. Strengthen our resolve to walk away when we need to walk away. Help us keep silent when we need to keep silent. Help us to speak up and speak truth when it needs to be said. Help us love those that seem unlovable. Help us to forgive those that need forgiving even when they didn’t ask for it, didn’t apologize, or this is the 700th time we need to forgive them. Help us walk in obedience even when it takes a tremendous amount of faith and feels like we’re stepping off a cliff into the unknown. Help us be willing to shine bright even into the darkest of places. Help us to always be willing to say, “here I am, use me” even when everything in us wants to run the other direction and do our own thing. Help us to follow you even if what you are asking seems crazy. Help us to be willing to walk in obedience to you even in those situations where if you don’t come through, we will look like an idiot or be left in complete distress. Regardless of what circumstances look like we declare we trust you, Lord.
Help us to always give a joyful and resounding, “YES” to whatever you ask. It is our joy to do your will, Father.
In Jesus name, amen.