June 26, 2023 - Genesis 6:22
“So Noah did everything exactly as God had commanded him.” Genesis 6:22 NLT
Lord, anytime I think about Noah I am always so impressed. He stood alone as the only man seeking you on earth. Also, what obedience he had. You told him to do something totally crazy. To build a huge boat (not near the water) and to prepare for a flood (when they had never heard of rain). You tell him to gather all these animals to put them on the boat.
It took Noah 120 years to build it. That is crazy obedience. What amazing dedication Noah had, even when society probably viewed him as the local crazy guy as he worked towards building this huge boat for 120 years. Yet, he kept working towards completing the task you asked of him.
Make us more like Noah. Grow our faith and persistence. Even when things are hard. Even when your instructions literally sound crazy or make no sense to our earthly mind. Even when it takes a crazy long amount of time. Even when everyone around us gives us a hard time, won’t listen, and thinks we are crazy. Even in all those times, help us keep persevering toward your vision. Give us the faith we need to believe you are going to do what you said. Don’t let us give into doubt. Don’t let us listen to the lies of the enemy. Help us to walk in obedience like Noah. Give us a spirit of perseverance like Noah had.
Help us learn how to make this verse true in each of our lives. Lord, we want to be known by you as people who did exactly what you asked of us. As people who trusted you and believed if you said it, it will come to pass.
Lord, we thank you that what you say does come to pass. We thank you that you are such a faithful God. We thank you that we can always trust and believe in you, even when it sounds crazy. You are so good to us.
In Jesus name, amen.
