June 24, 2024 - Acts 9:17-20
“So Ananias went and found Saul. He laid his hands on him and said, “Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on the road, has sent me so that you might regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.” Instantly something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he regained his sight. Then he got up and was baptized. Afterward he ate some food and regained his strength. Saul stayed with the believers in Damascus for a few days. And immediately he began preaching about Jesus in the synagogues, saying, “He is indeed the Son of God!”” Acts 9:17-20 NLT
Lord, give us eyes to really see you. We want to encounter you like Saul did. It radically changed him. It wasn’t a long drawn out change that took years. One look at your face and he was a different person. This verse says that scales fell from his eyes and after that, he began preaching. Lord, we want an encounter with you like this. We want to sit with you and look into your eyes daily. We ask for you to remove any scales from our eyes. Come and remove any lies that we are believing about you or ourselves. Transform our thinking so that it lines up with your truth. When Saul went through this encounter, it radically changed him, and look at the impact that he had and is still having for your kingdom. We want our lives to enlarge your kingdom and have a lasting impact like Paul. You have called each of us to this. If we aren’t really living this out, change us. We invite you to come, encounter us, and light a fire within us that can’t be contained. Let your truth overflow out of us like it did with Paul. It will likely look different but show us how to live out our calling in the maximum way. We don’t want to get to heaven and realize all that we could have done. Help us embrace you and all you have for us now, before it is too late.
In Jesus name, amen.
