June 23, 2023 - Proverbs 30:8-9
“Empty out of my heart everything that is false— every lie, and every crooked thing. And give me neither undue poverty nor undue wealth— but rather, feed my soul with the measure of prosperity that pleases you. May my satisfaction be found in you. Don’t let me be so rich that I don’t need you or so poor that I have to resort to dishonesty just to make ends meet. Then my life will never detract from bringing glory to your name.” Proverbs 30:8-9 TPT
Lord, we do ask that you would clean out our heart of the things that are not pleasing to you. Leave nothing crooked within us. Make even the smallest little sins something that turns our stomachs and is displeasing to us, because it is displeasing to you. Anything that doesn’t bring you glory, let us recognize it and make it right immediately. Others might think that it really didn’t matter, and we are making a big deal out of nothing. It isn’t insignificant to you, and you are who matters in our lives. We want to live humbly and right before your eyes.
Lord, we do ask that you would feed our souls with the measure of prosperity that is pleasing to you. Don’t give us more than we can handle and still bring you glory in all we do. Help us be people that always honor you with what you give us. Let us be humble people with huge & generous hearts whether we have very little or much. We thank you that you are our provider. We don’t want to become dependent on a job or any earthly thing. Help us learn what it means to see you as our provider. Let us press into you for our needs.
Lord, I do pray that you would find in us hearts of integrity that you can trust with more. Help us to always bring glory to your name. Thank you, Lord, that you are a God that likes to prosper your children and for your unfailing faithfulness to us.
In Jesus name, amen.
