June 21, 2024 - John 16:13
“When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future.” John 16:13 NLT
Lord, we thank you so much for sending us your Spirit. What an amazing gift. Holy Spirit, thank you for how you tell us the truth. We can stand strong on what you say to us. We thank you that you want to lead and guide us every day. Help us always remember this. We can be so quick to run forward with our own plans. We can be quick to make decisions without ever asking you for guidance. You are a wonderful gift that is here to show us the right way. Forgive us when we forget to stop and listen to you. How many mistakes or how many issues could we have avoided if we had just taken the time to allow you to guide us in the right choices. Forgive us for not listening to you. Help us learn to listen. We invite you to guide us not just in the big decisions but guide us throughout our everyday lives even in routine things.
We also ask for you to guide us closer to God. Draw us in. Give us insight on how to live in a way that will bring him glory. Give us insight to understand your Word. We want to have a deep relationship with you. We want to count you as our closest friend who we walk alongside all day long. Be our confidant. Be our guide. Be the revealer of truth in our lives. We praise you that you long to be all these things. Help us live in such a way that we fully realize what a wonderful gift that you truly are.
In Jesus name, amen.
