June 21, 2023 - Proverbs 27:7
“When your soul is full, you turn down even the sweetest honey. But when your soul is starving, every bitter thing becomes sweet.” Proverbs 27:7 TPT
Lord, we thank you for how you long to fill our souls to overflowing. You always give to us freely. All we need to do is show up at your table and eat. Sounds easy, but we can allow so many things to distract us and take up all our time. Help us make spending time with you a priority. Help us recognize and eliminate the things that are unimportant. Things that are keeping us from giving you the time needed for us to remain full of you. Also, show us any lies that keep us from your table. Anything that tells us we have eaten too much already, or we don’t belong there, or we messed up again and we need to hide. Anything that would keep us away, open our eyes to recognize them, ask for forgiveness, and run back to your table.
We truly want to be full of you so that sin, lies, and the yummy sounding things of the enemy are not even tempting because we just don’t have room for it. Shout at us and get our attention if we start to allow ourselves to get empty. We don’t want things that are terrible for us to start to sound good.
Lord, thank you for this simple proverb that makes this concept so easy to understand. Of course, when we are starving, even what we would normally find nasty sounds good. Help us learn how to come to your table and fill up on your goodness. Help us learn to run there as soon as we realize we are wanting what isn’t good. We thank you for the truth that when we are full on you that even things we normally struggle with are not a struggle.
Thank you for the abundance you have for us daily. We can never say enough how amazing you are to us. We love you.
In Jesus name, amen.
