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June 17, 2022 - 1 Peter 2:21

“For God called you to do good, even if it means suffering, just as Christ suffered for you. He is your example, and you must follow in his steps.” 1 Peter 2:21 NLT

Lord, it is hard to understand, when we are suffering, why we must go through it. Often, “Why, Lord?” is our biggest question. Suffering is hard and painful. The process isn’t enjoyable, but we are not alone in it. We all go through trials and suffering. You, Jesus, suffered as well, and you suffered for us. It is through your suffering we have gained our freedom and can walk in a personal and intimate relationship with you. Your suffering brought so much good, and our suffering is no different. You have an amazing way of turning our suffering into something so beautiful.

It is through the crushing of the grapes that the wine is produced. The pruning of the vine allows it to flourish. The seed must die and be buried before it can grow into a mighty tree. The deciduous trees lose all their leaves in the autumn and look like they are dead, but it allows them to bloom beautifully in the spring with new life. It is through the crushing of coal that we receive a diamond. It is the irritating situation of a grain of sand or other foreign substance getting inside the oyster shell that produces a pearl. We see it again and again in our world. It is through the suffering that new life is produced. We know that in order for you to grow us and use us for all the amazing things you have called us to, it will require us to endure suffering. It is part of the purifying process. It is a painful process, but if we allow it suffering will make us more like you.

Lord, show us how to bring our suffering to you and not push you away because of it. Help us seek you and your purposes in allowing it. Help us press into the growing and purification that you are doing in us. Help us endure for your glory.

In Jesus name, amen.

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Colleen Crawford has served full time with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) since 1995. She served with YWAM Orlando for over 20 years. Since then, has been serving all over the world with YWAM Ships. She has a deep love for... 

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