June 15, 2023 - John 1:48
“Nathanael was stunned and said, “But you’ve never met me—how do you know anything about me?” Jesus answered, “Nathanael, right before Philip came to you, I saw you sitting under the shade of a fig tree.”” John1:48 TPT (After this encounter, Nathaniel became a disciple and went with Jesus.)
Lord, make us people who can really see people. We tend to get so busy and wrapped up in our things that we don’t take the time to try and see people. Give us your eyes to see people. To look at them and see right into their souls and speak life into that deep place.
Lord, that can be an uncomfortable place, speaking life into people’s hearts can be messy. We don’t know how they will react. And we could get something wrong and look crazy. But Lord, make us willing. Open us up to your promptings and give us the strength to walk in obedience. Lord, even when we walk down the street or through the store, let us look people in the eyes and offer true smiles. Sometimes all people need is a sincere smile offered their way to feel seen.
Jesus, teach us how to see people like you did, where in just a moment’s interaction people felt so seen they would drop everything and follow you. Show us how to be so sincere and genuine that people can feel your love flowing through us and really feel cared for. We want to walk in a way that our lives draw people to follow you, Jesus.
Help us grow in these areas today. Give each of us at least one encounter with someone today that really needs to be seen by you. Let us see your heart for them and speak clearly to us what we are to do to help them feel seen and encouraged.
In Jesus name, amen.
