June 11, 2024 - Exodus 35:29
“So the people of Israel—every man and woman who was eager to help in the work the Lord had given them through Moses—brought their gifts and gave them freely to the Lord.” Exodus 35:29 NLT
Lord, make us people who are eager to do your work. It can be so easy to say we want to do your work, but when the opportunities arise, we have a million excuses why it isn’t a good time. Or excuses of why that opportunity isn’t the right one for us. That isn’t how we want to live. We want to be eager to do whatever opportunity you put in front of us even if it puts us out of our comfort zones. Even if it means giving up something else. Make us willing to pay the cost to serve you. Help us willingly lay down our wants to bring you our gifts. Help us be willing to eagerly give of our time, our talents, and our treasure. Lord, you are worthy of anything we might need to give up to do your work. You are such a good God. You have an amazing way of repaying us for anything we give up for you. Doing your work is such a rewarding way to live. Help us to always choose to live in a way that we see the evidence of that statement lived out in our lives.
In Jesus name, amen.
