June 1, 2024 - Psalms 18:28-29
“You light a lamp for me. The Lord, my God, lights up my darkness. In your strength I can crush an army; with my God I can scale any wall.” Psalms 18:28-29 NLT
We praise you, our Mighty Lord. You are so wonderful to us. You guide us every step of our lives. We want to walk in the light of your lamp. Why is it that we can so easily stray off your path? Why is it that the lies of the enemy can so quickly draw us out of the light into the darkness? Why is it that we sometimes prefer to try and make it down our own path instead of the path that you are lighting up for us. Why do we stop following your leading? Lord, forgive us for all the times that we do this. Holy Spirit, we want to follow your leading. We want to stop and take the time to ask you where you want us to go and not just run ahead with our own plans. Help us remember to invite you into our daily lives and decisions. Help us allow you to not just guide our big decisions, but we want to follow you all day, every day. We want you to light up the darkness around us and help us not stumble. If we learn to follow closely to you in everything, we will not find ourselves struggling as much with the questions above. Please help us learn to live our lives drawn close to you. Let us learn to walk in your strength so we can crush our enemy and scale any wall before us. We praise you that we can do these things in your strength! How amazing! You are so wonderful to us!
In Jesus name, amen.
