July 8, 2023 - Luke 10:19
“Now you understand that I have imparted to you my authority to trample over his kingdom. You will trample upon every demon before you and overcome every power Satan possesses. Absolutely nothing will harm you as you walk in this authority.” Luke 10:19 TPT
Lord, thank you so much for the authority you have placed within us. It is just crazy when we think about how you have created us, love us so dearly, and trust us with your power and authority. Please continue to grow our understanding of these things. Let us understand who you created us to be. Help us understand your love for us. Help us understand the authority you have given us.
Don’t let any lies of the enemy or any feelings of insignificance keep us from walking in all you have for us. Open our eyes to any place we have allowed any way of thinking to hold us back. Once we see it show us how to correct those thought patterns.
Lord, keep drawing us closer to you. Teach us how to create space in our lives for you to come and rest within us all the time. Not just in the way that you are always with us, but in a deep intimate way. We want to truly know you. We want your presence to be in us so strongly that anyone near us can literally feel you in us. Lord, that kind of intimacy doesn’t come easily. It requires a cost. We must keep pushing deeper and deeper into you. We must make more time for you. When it is hard, we can’t give up. Help us with this Lord. Oh, how we want more of you.
We want to trample all over the enemy’s kingdom and the demons. We want you to use us to set the captives free, speak life into the dead bones, heal the sick, to draw the lost to you, to take back territories and nations from the enemy. Help us to draw near to you so that we can walk in that kind of authority.
In Jesus name, amen.
