July 4, 2023 - 2 Chronicles 7:14
“Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14 NLT
Lord, we cry out to you for our nation and our world today. We have not done a good job at being your salt and light in the world. Jesus, in the 2000 years since you gave us the Great Commission, there are sadly still billions of people who have never heard your name. Forgive us. We are sorry that we get so wrapped up in our own desires and plans that we don’t ask you what your plans for us are. Forgive us for putting our wants over the needs of others. How much further in seeing the Great Commission fulfilled would we be if all Christians truly lived fully obedient to what you ask of each of us? Lord, it must break your heart. Please forgive us. Teach us how to change.
We seek your face today. Let us find more of you. As we draw closer to your holiness let it bring conviction to any sin that we allow to reside in us. Purify us so we can be a pure reflection of you into our world. Teach us how to walk in your ways. Fill us with your Spirit and give us love, boldness, and zeal that will draw the lost to you.
Jesus, when you died, you bought full freedom for our soul and spirit. Thank you that most of us have the honor to live in a country where we have freedom, but even those who don’t have that privilege can still live in the true freedom you give us and find joy in their physical situation. Let us live in your true freedom. Help us be an example of what it means to be free of the bondages that the devil wants to keep us locked up in. Teach us how to lead others into your freedom.
Lord, we ask for you to restore our world to you and let it start with us. Let us be the answer to that prayer.
In Jesus name, amen.
