July 31, 2023 - Genesis 2:7
“Then the Lord God formed the man from the dust of the ground. He breathed the breath of life into the man’s nostrils, and the man became a living person.” Genesis 2:7 NLT
Lord, the way you created us is remarkable. How magnificent that we are the first thing you created that you touched. You wanted to be right there as you created us. You got your hands dirty to form us. You breathed your breath into us and gave us life. When we opened our eyes, we were looking right into your face. You made us to be close to you. How astonishing. You could have created us like everything else, with just a word, but you wanted to be close and hands on. You handcrafted and formed our every detail. You were purposeful on each characteristic. You created each of us perfectly, without mistakes.
The breath of the living God is what gives us life. We walk around day to day with your breath in us. Wow. How powerful. Teach us to look at ourselves and see what you see. Grow us into the people you created us to be. Help us learn to live how we were designed to live.
Regardless of how low or messed up we can get, it is never too low for you to get right down there with us. When it feels life is too heavy, grief is too thick, when we feel too overwhelmed to even breathe, you will crawl through the dust to get right in our face and breathe your breath into us again. Even if the pain and circumstances we are facing don’t change, we can be assured that you are sitting right there in the low places with us, breathing life into us. You will be our peace in the storm. How amazingly beautiful.
Lord, we thank you for the distance you will go and the things you will do to be close to us. What an honor to be loved by you the way you love. Let thank you forever be on our breath.
In Jesus name, amen.
