July 30, 2022 - Hosea 6:3
“Oh, that we might know the LORD! Let us press on to know him. He will respond to us as surely as the arrival of dawn or the coming of rains in early spring.” Hosea 6:3 NLT
Lord, let the cry of our hearts be to know you more. Help us clean our hearts and make a place for more of you. Let us make you the priority in our lives and let it show in how we use our time. Help us learn to bring you into everything we do throughout our day. We want our minds to default to think of you. Let us be in constant communication with you. Teach us how to press into knowing you more. Teach us how to know your voice and feel you moving around us. Let following your leading become as natural as breathing. These things will not happen by accident. We must press into them and make space for them. We must make sure our hearts remain “good soil”. Then we need to water and nurture our relationship into growing. Holy Spirit, teach us how to do this. Lead us into deeper places with you. We want all you have for us and want to uproot anything that holds us back from that.
Lord, we praise you that this verse promises when we do these things you will respond and draw us closer to you. We can stand firm in your promises. As sure as the sun rises every morning, we can count on you. You are more faithful than the sun. We come to you with expectation. We expect you to respond and reveal yourself to us. We expect you to speak to us. We silence any lies that tell us you will not speak, or we cannot hear your voice. If we have bought into believing any of these types of lies, we ask forgiveness. Help us replace them with your truth and stand firm on that truth. We believe that you want to be our friend. Our relationship with you can be as real and as close as our relationship with our best friend here on earth. We have faith for that kind of friendship with you, Lord.
In Jesus name, amen.
