July 3, 2022 - Psalms 119:9
“How can a young person stay on the path of purity? By living according to your word.” Psalms 119:9 NIV
Lord, we praise you so much for the gift of your Word in written form. What a blessing it is to us! We are so grateful. You have given us a piece of yourself to carry with us. We want to value it for the power that it contains. Help us learn to not just see it as a good book of advice. Help us learn to dig deep into it and gain understanding. Help us memorize it and hide it in our hearts. We want just the right scripture to be there when we have need of it. Holy Spirit, bring it to our minds when we need to be reminded. Let it be the firm foundation that we stand on. Let it be the sword that we fight the enemy with. We thank you that it will silence the enemy’s attacks on our lives so quickly. It truly is a wonderful gift that we never want to take for granted or forget the power that it contains.
Lord, we want to live a pure life. We want to stay on the path of purity, never allowing ourselves to drift to the right or the left. Help us not even want to entertain the thought of doing something that will pull us away from purity. Give us a disgust of behavior that pushes away from your presence. Lord, we want to know you more. We want to live a life that invites you into all that we are. Please purify us and make us more like you. As we go deeper into your Word, open our eyes to things in our lives that we need to see purified. Let your Word teach us more about living in your ways. Give us insight that goes beyond the words that we read to understand what you are really wanting to say. Let your Word change our lives in amazing ways. When we struggle to remove an impurity from our lives, show us how to use your Word to gain the victory. We praise you for the power and victories that it holds when we apply it to our lives.
In Jesus name, amen.
