July 28, 2022 - Amos 5:24
“But let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” Amos 5:24 NIV
Lord, we praise you that you are a just God. Your justice and righteousness are like a never-failing river. You see everything, nothing is missed by you. Where sins and injustice are committed, judgment will be issued. Lord, we also praise you for your righteousness. It is perfect and unblemished. It is the standard that everything needs to measure up to. Regardless of what we look like compared to the world around us, we all fall short of your righteousness. We would all be doomed to face certain punishment and death based on our efforts to live holy. But, oh how we praise you that you made a way for us. Jesus, the price that you paid to cover our sins is remarkable. We can never say thank you enough. The gift of forgiveness you have given us has made a way for us to escape paying for our sins for all eternity. We praise you.
Lord, we also realize that even though your forgiveness washes away all our sins, it doesn’t always remove the consequences of our sin. Whether those consequences are something we have caused here on earth or sent from you, help us accept those consequences with grace. Help us have a soft heart that learns from the consequences and changes our behavior.
We want to learn to trust you as judge. You said that justice is yours. When we have been wronged and everything in us wants to get revenge, help us release those desires to you. Help us learn to forgive and let go. Even if we don’t see the justice that we want to see, let us still trust you and your ways. For you are trustworthy. You will deal with what needs to be dealt with in your perfect timing and ways. When our hurt and the injustices done to us want to consume us, Holy Spirit, please teach us how to let it go. Help us forgive others like you forgive us.
In Jesus name, amen.
