July 21, 2023 - 1 Peter 4:10
“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10 NIV
Lord, we thank you that everything comes from you. Not just the earth and our lives, but everything we have was given to us by you. It belongs to you. We might say that we worked to earn it. We made it happen. We designed it or created it. But Lord, you gave us the ability to learn and create. You gave us our mind to think. You gave us the gifting within us that we work through. You gave us our personalities. You give us the breath in our lungs and cause the blood to flow through our veins. How can we take credit for anything? It all comes from you.
You give us everything we have to steward and take care of temporarily. Help us remember that. You are not just deserving of our 10%, no it all belongs to you. We want to be people who take everything you have handed to us and use it in a way that brings you all the glory. We want to do our best to steward it in a way that it will multiply your kingdom. Lead us and guide us in how to do this. Show us anything in our lives that we are not stewarding well. Forgive us. Tell us how to bring change to those areas. Remind us that things are not just ours to do with as we please. Remind us to always ask you what you want us to do with everything you have given us and not just assume we can do whatever we please. Change our mentality to be that of stewardship and not ownership.
Lord, we thank you that you have entrusted us with so much. We thank you that you are a God who works in multiplication and not just simple addition. We are so grateful at how you want to multiply all that you have given us when we steward it well. It truly is such an honor to serve you.
In Jesus name, amen.
