July 21, 2022 - Psalms 22:27-28
“All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord, and all the families of the nations will bow down before him, for dominion belongs to the Lord and he rules over the nations.” Psalms 22:27-28 NIV
Lord, we are in awe of who you are. You are the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. All of creation answers to your name. The earth and everything in it are yours. We can’t wait for the day when every knee will bow before you. Lord, you might have given us free will to choose to accept you or not, but that doesn’t take away any of your power or authority. Satan might have some power to do certain things here on earth, but he still yields to you. Lord, nothing is greater than you or happens without your being aware. You rule over all. You are sovereign.
Lord, when we think of how you govern the universe, it is amazing. We can’t comprehend how you do it. You see the details of each life on earth, and you weave it together in a beautiful tapestry of humanity. You don’t control our lives - you give us free choice. Yet, you take our decisions, the good and the bad, and you weave them into a large picture where you get the glory. You pursue each of us with your love. You work to show each of us who you are and who we can be in you. You fight for each of us. You hand out perfect justice where it is needed, but it is also flawlessly balanced with grace and mercy. Even when we don’t understand it, your timing is perfect. For you are weaving everyone’s story together. You know just the right timing to weave everything into our lives to make it fit perfectly and create the most impeccable of tapestries. We are in awe of you. Nothing and no one can do what you can do. We praise you for your sovereignty. We praise you for being the perfect weaver that you are. We fully put our trust in you and rest assured that you have it all under control.
In Jesus name, amen.
