July 2, 2022 - Galatians 2:2
“I (Paul) went there (Jerusalem) because God revealed to me that I should go. While I was there I met privately with those considered to be leaders of the church and shared with them the message I had been preaching to the Gentiles. I wanted to make sure that we were in agreement, for fear that all my efforts had been wasted and I was running the race for nothing.” Galatians 2:2 NLT
Lord, we can learn a lot from Paul in the verses. He was a hero of our faith. He had an incredible conversion and major change because of his encounter with you. You spoke to him and were using him to do some amazing things. The church was growing greatly because of his work for you. Yet, even with seeing all that, he lived a humble life. When questioned about his approach to sharing your name, he went to church leaders and submitted his message to them. He sought their wisdom to make sure what he was doing lined up with you. We see such humility and wisdom in this.
Lord, how often do we seek advice from our elders/mentors when we are failing, much less when we are succeeding? Probably not nearly enough. Help us lead a humble life and walk in the wisdom of seeking council along our journey. Put us in a community of believers that we can trust. Give us wise people who can mentor us. People who are not afraid of upsetting us if necessary. People who will speak truth to us, even if we won’t like what they have to say. Then help us humbly listen to their advice. Give us such wisdom on how to process it and move forward.
Lord, like Paul, we never want to get to heaven only to find out we were running our race in vain. We want to carefully follow your path for our lives. Keep us in the middle of your will. If we start to wander off, get us clearly back on the right path. Give each of us people in our lives that will listen to you and speak truth into our lives.
In Jesus name, amen.
