July 17, 2023 - Psalms 103:1
“With my whole heart, with my whole life, and with my innermost being, I bow in wonder and love before you, the holy God!” Psalms 103:1 TPT
Yes, Lord, we bow before you in awe. You are so much more than our minds can comprehend. You are Holy. Nothing can come close to comparing to you. You are completely pure and perfect. We cry out Holy, Holy, Holy.
Lord, teach us how to love, worship, and serve you with our whole heart, life, and being. You deserve for us to be all in. Open our eyes more to who you truly are. As we see more of your glory and majesty, it becomes easier to walk in the fear of you. We want to live to please you and run from the things that displease you. As we see and understand more of your love for us, it helps us become more of who you created us to be. We will walk more confidently and accomplish more for your kingdom.
Open our eyes to see more of your holiness and glory. We give you permission to rock our worlds. Remove us from our places of comfort. We just want so much more of you in our lives. Open our eyes to more of who you are, so we are naturally inspired to increase holiness in our lives.
Lord, we thank you for your love and acceptance of us. Your love is all-encompassing. Love is who you are and defined by you. How wonderful to be loved and cherished by perfect Love. Again, today we ask for you to give each of us a deeper understanding of that love. Allow us to experience more freedom today as we worship in your loving presence.
Today, help us live our lives as an act of worship to you. Let us bring you honor and glory in all that we do, for you are so worthy of our everything. Today we commit that to you. Help us love you with all we are.
In Jesus name, amen.
