July 14, 2022 - Jeremiah 31:25
“For I will refresh the weary soul and replenish all who are weak.” Jeremiah 31:25 BSB
Lord, we bring our weary souls to you. Some seasons are long and hard. The battle rages all around us. We want to come to you with our battle wounds. We come to bring you our tired and weary souls. We have been fighting this battle with you, pressing forward, waging war against our enemy, and working hard to take back ground from the enemy. We are rescuing lost souls out of his grasp. We are busy discipling the people and children you have given to us. We praise you for how you use us on such amazing missions. We praise you for the callings that you have placed on each of our lives. What a privilege to serve you. We choose to continue to press into all you have called us to do. Serving you is so worth all that it costs, but Lord, there is weariness in the journey. We feel weighed down with it.
Lord, you say come to you when we are weary and you will give us rest. You promise to heal our wounds and restore us. This verse tells us that you will refresh and replenish our weak and weary souls. Lord, teach us to stay in your presence so that our souls are always getting filled and replenished by you. Help us not shift to trying to do things in our own strength. We will fail. Your callings on our lives will always be more than we can do on our own. We must have your help to accomplish them. They are your missions that you have invited us to be a part of. Be our strength and give us your wisdom. Help us serve you wholeheartedly and joyfully with a humble posture that acknowledges how much we need you. And when we do get hurt and weary, help us to come to you for your care and replenishment. Help us to always keep you as our #1 priority, higher than the tasks you give us. We praise you that when we do that, we will be in the perfect place for you to keep us refreshed.
In Jesus name, amen.
