July 13, 2024 - Psalms 20:7-8
“Some nations boast of their chariots and horses, but we boast in the name of the Lord our God. Those nations will fall down and collapse, but we will rise up and stand firm.” Psalms 20:7-8 NLT
Lord, how wonderful that we can boast in you. You are not something that will pass away over time. You cannot be overcome. You will never forget us or overlook us. We can boast in an All-Powerful God, a faithful God, an All-Loving God, a God who sees us and loves us. Help us to never boast in our strengths or abilities. They will eventually fail us. Lord, we don’t want to glorify ourselves, but we want to give you all the glory. There is nothing worth boasting about that we have accomplished fully on our own strength. We praise you for how you walk with us. We praise you for how you carry us and sustain us. We praise you that you are our strength. We praise you that you give us life. We praise you for how you love us. We praise you that because of you, we can rise up and stand firm. You are such a wonderful God to us. What an honor it is to call you our God. We praise your name every day with everything within us. Let everything that has breath shout praises to our Most High God.
In Jesus name, amen.
