July 13, 2022 - Psalms 17:15
“Because I am righteous, I will see you. When I awake, I will see you face to face and be satisfied.” Psalms 17:15 NLT
Lord, we want to know your righteousness. We praise you for making a way for us to do so. You paid the price so that we can each come into your holy presence and know you. We never want to waste that gift. What a shame if we get to heaven and discover how much we missed out on knowing you here on earth. We want to know you and have a face-to-face type of relationship with you. Help us learn how to bring you and your presence into everything that we do here on earth - from the mundane chores, to our jobs, to our relationships here on earth. We don’t want those things to be things we do with our time and then have a slot of time that we give to you as your time. Yes, we want to have specific time that is yours alone, but we want all our time to be yours. We want to see your face in all we do when we are awake. We want you to be such a part of our lives that even our dreams while we sleep revolve around you. We want to share all our lives with you. We want to live a righteous life that welcomes your presence. We don’t want to harbor anything in our lives that will push your presence away. Purify us so that we can hold more of your presence. Lord, you are our desire.
Lord, we praise you that you are the only thing that can ever fully satisfy us, and you want to be our satisfaction. We will never be fully satisfied by earthly relationships as good as they can be. We will never be fully satisfied by any earthly possession we can obtain. We can never gain any status here on earth that will fully satisfy us. Even obtaining the best of all those things will still leave us feeling empty. It is because you are the only thing that can satisfy us. Jesus, you are our desire. We hunger and thirst for more of you. Be our satisfaction.
In Jesus name, amen.
