July 11, 2023 - Psalms 103:7
“He made known his ways unto Moses, his acts unto the children of Israel.” Psalms 103:7 KJV
Lord, when we think of Moses and how you used him, it is so encouraging. You miraculously saved him as a baby even when he should have been killed. He grew up in Pharaoh’s house. He killed a man and fled to the desert to hide for 40 years. Seems like the perfect reason to exempt him from being used by you, but not at all. You called him in a miraculous way, but he still wasn’t sure and had excuses. Yet you didn’t give up on him. You grew his faith and helped him learn to trust you. You reassured him. Even when he complained you still answered. When he asked to see your face, you made a way for him to see your glory. How remarkable. It gives us such hope. We don’t have to be perfect to be used by you to do powerful things.
We thank you that you will use us even with our weaknesses and issues. Regardless of what our past looks like, you can still fulfill your plans for us. Even when we doubt our abilities and have all the excuses, you can help us grow into our calling. Thank you for your trust in us.
This verse says you made your ways known to Moses. You shared things with him. Lord, we want to hear from you like that. We want you to share your plans and secrets with us. We don’t want to settle with seeing your acts, as good as they are. We want more. We want to know your ways. Help us understand you on deeper levels. Reveal your glory to us like you did Moses. We want all you have for us. Call us to the deeper things.
Lord, we are excited for the plans you have for us. Thank you that you are looking for people who are running after you, even if we trip and fall sometimes. Thank you that you are not looking for perfect followers, just ones with a heart after you.
In Jesus name, amen.
