July 10, 2023 - 1 John 4:4
“But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.” 1 John 4:4 NLT
Lord, how amazing is it that we serve the one true living God! You are all powerful. You are the creator of everything. You are truly greater than everything and you are living within us. We thank you for your greatness. We thank you that we are known by you, and that you call us your home. How is that possible? It is too wild to wrap our heads around when we think about it.
Thank you for how you love us. Thank you that we do belong to you. Thank you that there is nothing we will ever face that you can’t conquer. Teach us how to trust you no matter what we are facing. Grow us in our ability to face the Goliaths in our lives and just march right up and conquer with no fear or hesitation. Teach us to conquer the foxes, then the wolves, then the lions and bears, and then Goliath. Grow us to get to the point of Goliaths being no big deal and eventually to the point when whole armies are not a big deal, because we know we are facing them with you. Grow our faith and our fight.
Make us warriors with you. We want to understand how to overcome. We want to understand the authority that you have placed within us. Keep growing our understanding. Show us what we need to do in our lives to cultivate it and walk in it. We want to change the world and take back what the enemy is stealing. Don’t let us ever get caught up in just living a mundane Christian life, just sliding by. We want more of you, Lord. So much more. We want to do all we can to see the Great Commission fulfilled. We want to live out the plans that you have for us to the fullest.
In Jesus name, amen.
