July 1, 2023 - James 1:5
“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.” James 1:5 NLT
Jesus, thank you for a new day filled with your glory. We thank you for the newness of each day. We get fresh blessings and support from you each day. You give us what we need for everything we will face today. You are such a loving and generous God. We thank you for how you care for our every need every day. What an honor it is to serve you.
We thank you today for how you want to bless us with more wisdom. This verse says if we ask you will give it to us generously. Lord, we ask today. We need more of your wisdom. We need it constantly throughout our day. Every decision we make, big or small, we don’t want to make without your wisdom. Every problem we face, we want to solve with your wisdom and not our own. We want to give advice to the people you have placed in our lives through your wisdom and not our own.
We need your discernment to know and understand what is really going on around us and not just what we can see with our own eyes. Open our eyes to really see on deeper levels. Then give us such wisdom to know what to do with that knowledge.
We ask right now for you to pour out more - pressed down, shaken together, and running over. We take the generous, abundance of wisdom you want to impart to us. We thank you for it, Lord. We thank you for how you are such a wonderful God who loves to bless your children. You love to equip us for all we face. We are so grateful that we don’t have to face life alone. Help us to always remember not to try to do things on our own. You want to walk with us and help us in everything, if we allow it. Thank you so much for how you love and care for us. You are truly amazing. What an awesome God we serve.
In Jesus name, amen.
