January 8, 2023 - Proverbs 8:1-4
“Listen as Wisdom calls out! Hear as understanding raises her voice! On the hilltop along the road, she takes her stand at the crossroads. By the gates at the entrance to the town, on the road leading in, she cries aloud, ‘I call to you, to all of you! I raise my voice to all people.’” Proverbs 8:1-4 NLT
Lord, we praise you for how you freely give us wisdom! You don’t make it a hard thing to find. No, you write it out plain for us in your Word. You speak it to our hearts. It is readily available. All we must do is seek it out, and when we do, it is easily found. It calls out to us, wanting to be found. This verse says that it is at the crossroad and at the town gate. Right where everyone passes; it stands and yells out to us. We want to answer the call and be purposeful in soaking up all the wisdom we can absorb.
Lord, this verse also makes me ask if wisdom is so easy to have, why do so many of us not walk in greater wisdom. Why do I still make stupid mistakes and find myself places I never intended to be. How often is wisdom yelling out to us and we choose not to listen. Please help us change this. We want to listen. We don’t want to rush past to accomplish our thoughts, wants, or plans without taking the time to listen. How often would you tell us not to do something that leads to a negative situation or to do something that would lead to a positive outcome, if we just took the time to ask you and listen for your wisdom before we moved forward. Please forgive us for not listening. Also, forgive us for the times, when we hear wisdom talking to us, but choose not to listen because what she is saying makes us uncomfortable. Help us learn to trust you more. Help us learn to tune into what wisdom is saying to us. We want to be seen as wise people in your eyes, because we take in your wisdom and apply it to our lives all the time.
In Jesus name, amen.
