January 7, 2023 - Proverbs 7:1-4
“Follow my advice, my son; always treasure my commands. Obey my commands and live! Guard my instructions as you guard your own eyes. Tie them on your fingers as a reminder. Write them deep within your heart. Love wisdom like a sister; make insight a beloved member of your family.” Proverbs 7:1-4 NLT
Lord, we always want to follow your advice. We can’t find better advice for life than we find in your Word. We know that if we apply it to our lives that we will see our lives transform to look more like you. That is what we long for. There are so many promises in the Bible that tell us about all the good things that will happen in our lives if we apply your advice, and then all the bad things that will happen if we don’t. Please give us a greater desire to dig into it so we will see transformation. We don’t only want to hear it once a week at church. We also don’t just want to get revelation from your Word from pastors or authors. Lord, we want to get insight and revelations directly from you each time we read it.
We also continue to pray that you would help us understand how to apply it to our lives. As we read it, open our eyes to all the places that don’t line up to what you command. Give us your insight on how to change those things, and your strength to make it happen. We want to take your instructions to heart. There is nothing we treasure more than you, and your Word is part of who you are, thus we treasure it like you. Lord, if that statement really is true then we will see the evidence of it in our lives. But I would guess for a lot of us the reality of how much time we spend in it, versus how much time is wasted on our devices or other things, might tell a truer story. Lord, forgive us if we are not treasuring your Word enough. Help us change. Show us how to make more space and give us a strong desire to spend time studying and learning it.
In Jesus name, amen.
