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January 5, 2024 - Proverbs 5:1-2

“My son, pay attention to my wisdom; listen carefully to my wise counsel. Then you will show discernment, and your lips will express what you’ve learned.” Proverbs 5:1-2 NLT


Lord, help us to truly listen. We don’t just want to hear your words, or ever hear and think about them, but not have real change. Lord, we want to listen with a heart for change. We want to push into you and pursue aligning our lives to what wisdom says. We thank you that your counsel to us will always be what is best for us. We never have to question your wisdom in our lives. You are all knowing; you understand everything; you see it all; you know the reasons behind everything, the motives; you see the future and know what is coming; you know where we are going and the best way for us to get there. We want to follow your instructions for our life. You certainly know more than we do. Help us to listen and obey even when we don’t understand.


Lord, we want to show discernment in our lives. Teach us this. We want to be able to walk into situations and quickly discern what is really taking place behind the scenes. We want to be able to understand the real heart of the matters we are dealing with. Help us to discern what is going on in the spiritual realm and not just react to what we can physically see. Always prompt us to stop and ask you to open our spiritual eyes to really see before we respond to things. Help this to become our natural reaction. Draw us close, Lord, and increase our capacity. We invite you in. We give you permission to rearrange our lives to make more room for you. Do what you need to do to increase in us all that you are. Have your way with us.


Thank you that you long to increase our capacity for you. You are truly spectacular and the most loving being. What an honor to be cherished by you. We want to love you back the way you love us.


In Jesus name, amen.


About Colleen


Colleen Crawford has served full time with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) since 1995. She served with YWAM Orlando for over 20 years. Since then, has been serving all over the world with YWAM Ships. She has a deep love for... 

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“In the beginning the Word already existed. The Word was with God, and the Word was God.” (John 1:1 NLT) 


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