January 5, 2022 - John 7:18
“Those who speak their own thoughts are looking for their own glory. But the man who wants to bring glory to the one who sent him is a true teacher and doesn’t have dishonest motives.” John 7:18 GW
Jesus, we want everything about our lives to bring you glory. Teach us how to live our lives for your glory alone. Open our eyes to the places in our lives where we are living for our own glory. Allow us to see this like you see it. Break our hearts over having this sin in our lives and help us to eliminate it. Tear down the pride in our lives. We want to build your kingdom and not our own. Lord, even in the things that you have called us to, help us not to get our motives wrong in doing them. We don’t want to get our significance or value from these things or anything other than you. Lord, anything we put in a place that allows us to get value from it becomes an idol in our lives. Again, open our eyes to any idols. We want to willingly destroy them and not allow them to take your place in our lives any longer. Please forgive us for the places that we have been walking in dishonest motives. Wash us clean and help us change those motives.
Jesus, we want to be like you and live only to bring Glory to the Father. You did only what you heard him tell you to do. You said only what you heard him say. Teach us to tune our ears and heart into your voice. Holy Spirit, make us very sensitive to anything that comes against bringing glory to God. Help us die to our own opinions, thoughts, and desires if they don’t line up with the Father’s. We want to be teachers of your ways in actions and words. We want to always speak your truth. Grow this in us and hold us in check with it. We surrender all of our lives for your glory.
In Jesus name, amen.
