January 4, 2023 - Proverbs 4:1-2
“Listen, my sons, to a father’s instruction; pay attention and gain understanding. I give you sound learning, so do not forsake my teaching.” Proverbs 4:1-2 NIV
Father, we thank you so much for all the instructions that you give to us. How wonderful that you don’t leave us alone to figure out the best way to live life successfully. Thank you that if we allow you, you will guide us every step of the way. We come to you today as we are starting our new year and we give you our year. We invite you to guide us through this year. If we wander away from your instructions, please bring your correction and get us back on track. We welcome your correction if it is needed. We ask that you help us take your instructions to heart and walk in your ways. Help us learn the lessons that just seem so hard to learn. Those issues, hurts, lies, etc. that we seem to go around and around with; the ones that seem like an onion with never ending layers that we just keep going deeper into, help us overcome them once and for all this year. Teach us how to uproot the lies. Help us learn to allow you to heal the wounds. Help us forgive where we need to forgive. Help us learn how to walk away from the sins that have us entangled.
Lord, we pray that this would be a year of growth in you like we have never seen before. Help us really learn to turn into you and pay attention. Increase our understanding of your ways. Help us learn to hear your voice and discern what you are doing. We want to spend time in your Word learning all that we can. Give us your insights. Help us press into learning from you. Please show us how we can accomplish that this year and don’t let this just be a new year’s resolution that dies out in a few weeks, but let it become a lifestyle. We thank you for all that you have in store to teach us this year.
In Jesus name, amen.
