January 30, 2022 - Hebrews 1:3
He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. Hebrews 1:3 ESV
Jesus, you do radiate the glory of God. We thank you that we get to rest in and experience that glory. We thank you that you are the perfect representative of the nature of the Father. You walk in complete unity with him. Lord, we want to be that way with you. We want to walk in unity with you. We want to be an imprint of your nature here on earth too. We want people to look at us and see you. Help us to represent you and shine your glory into the world around us.
Lord, I love the way this verse describes your power. You can uphold the whole universe with a word. You created it and keep it all running as it should just by speaking. Such power. If you can hold the universe together with just a word, then you definitely can handle anything that we face. Help us to never doubt your ability. Help us to never question if you have it under control. You see us and know us. You know the number of hairs we have on our heads. We praise you that you don’t miss a thing. We will never face a problem that you aren’t aware of and don’t already have under control. Lord, we release our worries and fears. We declare our trust in you.
Lord, grow our faith in you. Let us learn to rest in your peace regardless of what we are facing. We praise you for your peace. We praise you for your power. We praise you for being faithful and trustworthy. We praise you for your love for us. You are such a worthy God. What an honor to serve you.
In Jesus name, amen.
