January 29, 2025 - John 15:15
“No longer do I call you servants, for the servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from my Father I have made known to you.” John 15:15 ESV
Jesus, this aspect of you is just mind blowing. It makes sense to us that we would be your servants. You are the almighty God, and we are small humans that have a way of messing up everything good, yet you want to call us your friend. What value can we bring to a relationship to the God who owns everything? We might not hold any value compared to you, but because you value us, we have more value than we can comprehend. What an honor it is that you would want to call us a friend. When we think of some of our best human friends, what is it that makes them good friends? They are loyal; they give of themselves to make us better; they stand up for us when others come against us; they are fun to be with and make us laugh; they make time for us; they make sacrifices for us; they listen to us; they don’t walk away when things get tough. And if we are a good friend to them, we do all those things for them.
Lord, can we say that we walk in all those things in our relationship with you? Are we a good friend to you? Help us not to see you as a distant being out there somewhere but help us to see you as the best of friends right here in the room with us. Holy Spirit, help us learn to see you are here with us and teach us to be a good friend to you. What an honor it is that you would want to call us your friend. We pray that we will become a good friend to you.
In Jesus name, amen.
