January 29, 2024 - Proverbs 29:6 & 25
“The wicked always have a trap laid for others, but the lovers of God escape as they sing and shout in joyous triumph! Fear and intimidation is a trap that holds you back. But when you place your confidence in the Lord, you will be seated in the high place.” Proverbs 29:6 & 25 TPT
Lord, I thank you that you make a way for us to escape any trap the enemy lays for us. That is such an amazing and freeing fact. I thank you for the power worshipping you carries. It can literally open locked prison doors and make a way for us to just walk out. Help us always remember that. Praising you can break strongholds off our lives! Open our eyes to anyplace that the enemy has us locked up and held down, then help us praise you for freedom over those things until we are set free.
Lord, let our confidence grow in you. We want so much more of you. Show us any areas of our lives where fear or intimidation is ruling and help us eradicate it from our lives. Make us bold and fearless for you and seat us in your high places.
Thank you, Father, that you make a way for us to be seated with you in the high places. You make it possible for us to experience Heaven’s bliss. You make it possible for us to walk without fear and other strongholds ruling our lives. Let us worship you all the days of our lives.
God, we love you so much.
In Jesus name, amen.
