January 29, 2022 - Judges 6:14-15
“Then the Lord turned to him and said, “Go with the strength you have, and rescue Israel from the Midianites. I am sending you!” “But Lord,” Gideon replied, “how can I rescue Israel? My clan is the weakest in the whole tribe of Manasseh, and I am the least in my entire family!”” Judges 6:14-15 NLT
Lord, I thank you so much for how you choose people. When we look at so many of the heroes of the Bible that accomplished great things for you, they were so often people who had failed and/or were unlikely people. Lord, we thank you that your way of assigning jobs is so different. If it wasn’t, we would never measure up to being good enough.
We praise you that our past and our mistakes don’t eliminate us. We praise you that our heritage or lack thereof isn’t what qualifies us. Thank you that our giftings and talents aren’t what qualifies us either. Thank you that it is not based on what we look like or what kind of personalities we have. You know everything about us. Nothing is hidden from you. Even if all we can see is our failures and our shortcomings, we thank you that you see so much more. You see our heart. You see our potential. Lord, sometimes you may have reasons that we will never understand here on earth.
Lord, help us trust you. If you call us to something, we want to immediately obey. We don’t want to question you or give you excuses about why we can’t. Lord, if you give someone else a task we wanted, we will choose not to be upset or bitter. Your ways and your plans will always be better than anything we could ever come up with. You created everything and set it all in motion. You cause it all to hold together and work. You see the big picture. Why would we ever think our lack of understanding means you don’t know what you are doing? We can trust that if you tell us to do something, even if we have no idea how, you will help us make it happen. We say, “Yes, Lord, to your ways!”
In Jesus name, amen.
