January 28, 2025 - Psalms 116:1-2
“I love the Lord because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!” Psalms 116:1-2 NLT
Jesus, you are the God who hears us. I love that this verse says that you bend down to listen. That is intentional. I think of an adult getting down on a child’s level to listen to them. They bend down to look them in the eye and make sure that not only do they hear them, but the child knows that they are being seen and heard. You don’t just hear us because you hear everything, you want to be intentional with us. You bend down, look us in the eyes, and listen to us. Lord, even when you don’t answer us, or don’t answer like we wanted you to, we can know that we are heard. You never get tired of the sound of our voice. You want us to communicate with you. Even if we are unjustly upset with you, you would rather us bring that to you and process it with you, than for us to walk away from you. You are not afraid of our frustration or anger.
Jesus, help us to always trust that you hear us. Help us to envision you bending down and listening to us. We want to learn to have conversations with you. We believe that not only do you want to listen to us, but you want to talk to us. You want to share yourself with us. Help us learn to take time throughout the day to converse with you and to bring you into all that we are doing. We want to truly learn to live our lives in a relationship with you. That is what you long for. How amazing, our Lord. Open our minds and hearts to all that you are and all that you want for us. Take us deeper in knowing you. We praise you for how loving and amazing you are to us. We praise you that we are truly, 100% heard by you.
In Jesus name, amen.
