January 28, 2022 - Psalms 27:3
“Though a mighty army surrounds me, my heart will not be afraid. Even if I am attacked, I will remain confident.” Psalms 27:3 NLT
Lord, we praise you that we are protected in the palm of your hand. We can always remain confident that you are with us. Even if we are surrounded by the enemy’s army, even if everyone is out to destroy us, all we have to do is keep our eyes focused on you and our trust set strong in you. We have nothing to fear if we are grounded in you.
Lord, we also realize that we have the power to open ourselves up and give the enemy a right to our lives. When we surrender to sin and don’t bring it to you to cover in your blood it gives him a hold on us. Open our eyes to any places in our lives where the enemy has a stronghold. Help us break this off. Help us to live in a constant place of evaluating our lives for anywhere we are allowing the enemy a place. Help us bring those places to you and get them covered in your forgiveness.
Lord, we also realize that just because we are living right and in the palm of your hand, doesn’t mean that we will never be harmed. Job is a great example of this. You allowed the enemy to attack him. But you put boundaries on that. And in the end the attack and the pain it caused helped Job to grow. It also allowed you to bless him in even greater ways than he had been blessed before the attacks. Just because it looks like we are losing doesn’t mean you have walked away or suddenly become unfaithful to us. In these seasons, help us to stand strong in our faith in you. Help us not to buy into the lies that the enemy will surely feed us. Help us to trust in the truth of your promises to us.
We praise you for your goodness and protection over us. Teach us how to live in a place of peace trusting in you regardless of what we are facing. Grow an unwavering faith within us.
In Jesus name, amen.
