January 25, 2025 - Acts 10:36
“He sent the message to the Israelites, proclaiming the good news of peace through Jesus Christ — he is Lord of all.” Acts 10:36 CSB
Jesus, you came as a messenger to bring us the Good News of peace. We are so grateful for the Good News. What hope we have in you. You are our salvation. You are also the Lord of all. All means everything. There is nothing that isn’t under your lordship. The devil and all his evil hordes must yield to you. Death must yield to you. All things created must yield to you. Every human, whether they follow you or deny your existence, will yield to your authority.
Jesus, the word Lord, means the master – someone who completely owns something and has complete control over it. For us to declare you our Lord means that we are giving you complete authority and control over our lives. That sounds good, but it can be hard to hand over control to you and fully let go. Forgive us for all the times we take back control. Teach us how to fully trust you and allow you to truly be the Lord of our lives. Holy Spirit, bring it to our attention anytime we are taking control back. Show us if there are any areas of our lives that we have not totally surrendered to your Lordship. Then give us the courage to let go and fully declare you Lord of all our lives.
In Jesus name, amen.
