January 25, 2023 - Proverbs 25:28
“A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls.” Proverbs 25:28 NLT
Lord, what a good picture and how true. Without self-control the walls around our lives, our defense system, are broken down. This allows the enemy easy access to our lives to lead us into temptation. Also, when we don’t have self-control, we become slaves to our wants and desires instead of ruling over them as we should. Whether it has to do with sinful desires, what we eat, not guarding our words, or many other similar things, we want to have control over all our actions.
Lord, as I think about self-control the picture you put in my mind is two kayakers in a rapidly moving river. One is well trained and expertly uses his paddles to maneuver through the river dodging rocks and other hazards. The second has no idea what he is doing and quickly loses his paddles. He is left at the mercy of the water being swept wherever it takes him, eventually tipping him over to his ruin. Help us train to live on purpose by choosing how we live and not just going through life like someone swept down a rapid river with no paddles.
Holy Spirit, self-control is one of your fruits. You will grow it in us and give us the strength to walk in it. We want to be a healthy tree who is deeply rooted in you and abundant in all your fruits. Please train us in how to become an “expert kayaker in life’s river”. Increase our will power. We don’t want to give into our bodies every want and desire but deny ourselves things until we teach ourselves how to submit. Lord, your word tells us that fasting will help us in this area. Also, walking in sacrificial generosity teaches us how to push past our desires and surrender. Show us what practices like these we need to put in our lives to help us restore the walls around our lives to keep the enemy out. Make us people with self-control.
In Jesus name, amen.
